Re: How to count number of flags in column?
tobrien3 To get all of them, you'll need to modify Etienne's formula a bit. Hers shows only 10 rows. =COUNTIF([Column15]:[Column15], 1) will show the count of the whole column -- you'll just need to …1 · -
Re: Formulas- Pulling dollar values from text string
That is because there is an error. =VALUE(RIGHT(Parts1, LEN(Parts1) - FIND("$", Parts1))) FIND returns a number (like 53) and RIGHT takes that many characters from the right. But you want o…1 · -
Re: Formula - Return month as text from a date cell.
Here's what I do: I have a sheet called "Date Tables". In that sheet I have a column for Month Number and another for Month Name. 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 …1 · -
Re: PMT calc
This is equation with 4 columns (ignoring two optional args in PMT) =(Pv@row * R@row / IntPer@row) / (1 - (1 + R@row / IntPer@row) ^ (-n@row * IntPer@row)) R = APR % Pv = present value IntPer = inter…1 · -
Re: Hours of Work Within Task Duration
First, if you follow rquay's suggestion and set the Project Settings first, Smartsheet will ask for if it should create the [Allocation %] column for you. Second, Smartsheet's default working hours p…1 ·